Subject: Re: NetBSD-friendly ISP's?
To: Robert Alexander Baxter <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/15/1999 15:15:11
In message <>, Robert Alexander Baxt
er writes:
>If you compile and run the program, it will *not* do the auto-
>justifying by default. You must select Preferences -> Wrap ->
>Continuous to turn it on. You can also select Preferences -> Wrap ->
>Wrap Margin to set whether paragraphs justify to the width of the
>window, or to a set characters-per-line amount (e.g. 72 for making
Hmm. I've got it compiled (from pkgsrc), and it's in Continuous wrap
mode, but I have a "paragraph" where I've deleted words from a line in the
middle, and the lines below don't seem to flow in until I ^J. No problem;
Lyx works. She wrote a book in TeX once, so she likes the idea. ;)
>I think its neat that you're helping your mom use NetBSD. I remember
>when I was in middle school, I tried to teach my mom how to use the PC
>and she got very frustrated and cried, etc. She persisted, however,
>making report cards (she's a 2nd grade teacher) on the computer and
>other things. Now she's so good at computers, she even gathered up all
>the older, unwanted Macintosh computers at her school and made a network
>in her classroom! Her students can learn the sounds letters make, draw,
>and make emails on the computers.
My mom got started hacking BASIC on a Wang 2200, so she's not a computer
novice. She's not really wizard grade, but she's a mathematician by training,
so I figured she could handle it. She's writing an article about her
experience as we speak; this all came out of a comment in an AP article
about how "Linux is neat, but you wouldn't want to give it to your mother
to store her recipes".
I am pleased to report that NetBSD is pretty much mom-ready.