Subject: Re: NetBSD-friendly ISP's?
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/15/1999 08:54:12
On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Peter Seebach wrote:
> However... Because this is an obsolete deal, it's not really
> supported anymore, and it costs money to use it. Anyone know of
> an ISP (ideally either national or in Denver) that supports NetBSD?
> I'm not big enough to open a POP in Denver just for my mom. ;-)
> "works okay with" would be good enough. I seem to recall I got
> connected okay to Mindspring, but I'd love to see an ISP actually
> say they support users with free OS's.
I've not come across any which claim to support free OS's, but so far the
ones I've seen are accessible with NetBSD. My cable modem works fine and
my parents ISP (formerly MCI2000, I forget what it is now) was accessible.
The only trick was to
1) figure out it was using CHAP
2) use the win95 'find' command and search the hard drive for files
containing the phone number it dialed. In that file, my brother and I
found the required usernames and passwords to let us set up PPP under
So, NetBSD wasn't supported, but it wasn't anti-supported either ;)