Subject: Re: AMD PCscsi, supported or not?
To: Martin Samuelsson <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/07/1999 17:35:40
On Apr 7, Martin Samuelsson wrote
> An attempt to install NetBSD-1.3.3 on an old PC made me a little
> confused. It uses a AMD PCscsi adapter as it's primary disc controller
> and I can't get it working.
> I tried reading the w3-pages once again and found this:
> This page, which I read first says:
> ,$NetBSD: pci.html,v 1.12
> 1999/03/26 00:52:11 mjacob Exp $
> "
> Supported PCI devices
> ...
> Advanced Micro Devices Am53c974 PCscsi-PCI, and boards using this chip,
> including the Tekram DC-390 (pcscp).
> "
> And this page says:
> ,$NetBSD:
> i386.html,v 1.12 1999/01/16 14:01:00 lukem Exp $
> "
> Hardware the we do NOT currently support, but get many questions about:
> AMD PCscsi SCSI host adapters (though the PCnet portion of the
> PCnet-SCSI works fine)
> "
> I skimmed all the CHANGES files, but didn't find anything in them. Which
> statement is the correct one?
Well, I think both are :) The pci.html page refers to -current, whereas
formal-1.3/i386.html refers to the last formal release.
Now that 1.4_ALPHA is in place, maybe you could give it a try ?
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.