Subject: Re: Installing NetBSD 1.3.3. from Floppy
To: Lukas Ruf <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/07/1999 17:23:57
On Apr 7, Lukas Ruf wrote
> on my SCSI-Harddisk (previously run DOS on it) produces at every boot up
> the error message:
> old-*BSD disklabel -- see installboot(8)
> or similar.
> When submitting
> disklabel -c
> I really see two entries named 4.2BSD in the partition table.
> Can anyone explain to me what I have to alter to get NetBSD boot without
> error message ?
This is about the MBR partition table, not the NetBSD disklabel.
The partition ID for NetBSD was changed from 165 to 169 (to avoid conflics
with FreeBSD). For now boot blocks and kernel can grock both, but you'd
better change it:
- install new boot blocks:
cd /usr/mdec
./installboot biosboot.sym /dev/rwd0a
- change your BSD partition ID from 165 to 169: you'll need fdisk for this:
fdisk -u wd0
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.