Subject: Re: bad sector day
To: Antti Kantee <>
From: Brian C. Grayson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/28/1999 23:52:49
On Sun, Mar 28, 1999 at 03:14:07PM +0300, Antti Kantee wrote:
> Mar 28 13:43:30 babylon5 /netbsd: wd0e: uncorrectable data error
> reading fsbn 6517424 of 6517424-6517439 (wd0 bn 7130288; cn 7073 tn 11
> sn 11), retrying
> Seems like I got an extra bad block somewhere in the bootblock. Does
> this matter? What am I doing wrong, if anything? Or is anything I'm doing
> here doing any good to solve the my problem described at beginning of
> the mail.
From what I've been told, ``modern'' disks have enough built-in
smarts that once you start seeing bad blocks that get by all
their smarts, it means your disk probably has a very limited
lifetime left. In November, we had a new (<1yr) IDE disk that
started giving us uncorrectable errors. Within a week, it
couldn't read its MBR, much less anything else. But it makes a
nice hurricane-weather paperweight! :)
Seriously, I would do a full backup of your disk before you
do ANYTHING else, and THEN go find your warranty for the disk.
AFTER THAT, you can see if bad144 helps. But I think it only
delays the inevitable. :( I lost stuff, because I didn't
bother backing up the disk before it was too late to read half
the sectors. So learn from my experience -- back up NOW!
I wish you luck. Maybe you'll have more than I did!