Subject: pkg_install 'make' fails, lacking,
To: None <>
From: Michael Maciolek <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/25/1999 15:48:36
I've got a fairly vanilla 1.3.2 installation on a Sparc IPC, and I'm
trying to set it up to build packages. I downloaded the pkgsrc.tgz
tarball, extracted it into /usr, then tried to build ssh. I was
politely informed that I needed to make pkg_install first, so I did.
Ultimately, I ran into a problem where trying to do a 'make' in the
pkg_install directory fails, looking for various .mk include files,
for instance: "" and ""
I wouldn't be surprised if there are others, but I have no idea where
they should be; did I miss an important package?
Here's the procedure I followed...after tar-extracting pkgsrc.tgz,
I attempted the following:
| ns# cd /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkg_install
| ns# make
| >> pkg_install-19990119.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist on this system.
| ...[ftp transfer proceeds without incident]
| 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for
| 'pkg_install-19990119.tar.gz' (58142 bytes).
| 100% |********************************************| 58142 00:00 ETA
| 226 Transfer complete.
| 58142 bytes received in 2.01 seconds (28.26 KB/s)
| 221 Goodbye.
| >> Checksum OK for pkg_install-19990119.tar.gz.
| ===> Extracting for pkg_install-19990119
| ===> Patching for pkg_install-19990119
| ===> Configuring for pkg_install-19990119
| ===> Building for pkg_install-19990119
| "Makefile", line 8: Could not find
| Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
| *** Error code 1
| Stop.
| *** Error code 1
| Stop.
| *** Error code 1
| Stop.
The error arises in /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkg_install/Makefile, which
tries to include I searched, but found no other
reference to in the entire pkgsrc tree, though I *did*
find /usr/pkgsrc/mk/
The names are, It seems
like an easy enough error.
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained..." thought I tried copying to /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkg_install (where the
failing make wanted to be able to find it), then ran the make again.
It got a bit further, then hit another wall:
| ns# pwd
| /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkg_install
| ns# make
| ===> Building for pkg_install-19990119
| ===> category lib
| "Makefile", line 15: Could not find
| Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
| *** Error code 1
| Stop.
| *** Error code 1
| Stop.
| *** Error code 1
| Stop.
| *** Error code 1
| Stop.
| ns#
I'm lost. I don't know if my first attempt was off the mark, or if
I'm on the right track and just running into unforseen problems. I
admit complete cluelessness with respect to these files that need to
be included in the various Makefiles; have I neglected some other
critical package? I would welcome any suggestions.
Thanks for your patience.
Mike Maciolek