Subject: Re: sup
To: Guy Santiglia <>
From: Paul B Dokas <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/24/1999 09:28:42
On Wed, 24 Feb 1999, Guy Santiglia wrote:
>   I'm having a hell of a time getting sup to work.  I want to use it to
> update my pkgsrc.  Where is an easy to understand how to?  Or can some one
> email me a copy of there working supfile?  Here is the message I get 
> when I try to sup my pkgsrc:
> fredfl2: /home/fredfl2 # sup -a supfile
> SUP 8.26 (4.3 BSD) for file supfile at Feb 24 23:09:03
> SUP: Can't find my host entry
> And here is my attempt at a supfile:
> current release=pkgsrc host=fredfl2  hostbase=/ftp/pub base=/usr prefix=/us
>   Thanks for any suggestions,
>      Guy

First of all, you'll find sample sup files in /usr/share/examples/supfiles/

Here's the one that I use:

#       $NetBSD:,v 1997/11/18 00:48:40 mellon Exp $
# Example supfile for

current release=allsrc hostbase=/ftp/server/log \
base=/usr prefix=/usr backup use-rel-suffix compress delete

current release=doc hostbase=/ftp/server/log \
base=/usr prefix=/usr backup use-rel-suffix compress delete

#current release=security hostbase=/ftp/server/log \
#base=/usr prefix=/usr backup use-rel-suffix compress delete

current release=pkgsrc hostbase=/ftp/server/log \
base=/usr prefix=/usr backup use-rel-suffix compress delete

current release=xsrc hostbase=/ftp/server/log \
base=/usr prefix=/usr backup use-rel-suffix compress delete

Just save that on your NetBSD machine (I like to drop mine into
root's home directory as 'supfile').

Then issue the following commands as root on your NetBSD box:

  sup -vo ./supfile

To get a clean source tree, you might consider removing /usr/src, /usr/xsrc
and /usr/pkgsrc first.

Also, I've commented out the security set in the supfile that I've
given since you appear to be in Korea.  No sense in letting NetBSD
become a test case for ITAR :-(

Paul Dokas                                  
Don Juan Matus:  "an enigma wrapped in mystery wrapped in a tortilla."