Subject: sup
To: None <>
From: Guy Santiglia <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/24/1999 23:34:10
  I'm having a hell of a time getting sup to work.  I want to use it to
update my pkgsrc.  Where is an easy to understand how to?  Or can some one
email me a copy of there working supfile?  Here is the message I get 
when I try to sup my pkgsrc:

fredfl2: /home/fredfl2 # sup -a supfile
SUP 8.26 (4.3 BSD) for file supfile at Feb 24 23:09:03
SUP: Can't find my host entry

And here is my attempt at a supfile:

current release=pkgsrc host=fredfl2  hostbase=/ftp/pub base=/usr prefix=/us

  Thanks for any suggestions,

Guy Santiglia  Quadra 610, NetBSD 1.3.3!
South Korea