Subject: Xpm and afterstep window manager
To: '' <>
From: Scott R. Burns <Scott.Burns@Netcontech.Com>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/23/1999 22:21:44
I am trying to get X up for the first time as a console on my new =
1.3.3/i386 server. I have managed to get Xfree86 to run but adding =
Afterstep, in the hunt for a better Window manager, I receive this when =
I start it:
LoadImage: cannot load XPM file =
LoadImage: you need to install libXPM v 4.0 or higher, in order to read =
images of this format.
So I did, I retrieved Xpm v3.4k and installed it. Now I am not sure why =
the kit for xpm is V3.4K but installs as a lib V4.11 but who am I to =
argue. I checked all over the net, even the source site for Xpm and this =
seems to be the latest release.
# pwd
# ls -l libXpm*
-r--r--r-- 1 bin bin 57006 Feb 23 20:44 libXpm.a
-r--r--r-- 1 bin bin 56810 Feb 23 20:44
I have added this dir to /etc/
# cat /etc/
I have run ldconfig and ldconfig -v.
# ldconfig -v | grep Xpm
Adding /usr/X11R6/lib/
I have tried the --with-xpm on the ./configure
I have tried the --with-xpm-library=3D/usr/X11R6/lib
And with both of the above.
Yet I still get tons of these Load Image messages on startup.
Any ideas ? Is thie v3.4k kit really v4.11 as the .so file says ? Could =
this be the problem ?