Subject: Re: Sup fails...
To: None <>
From: Stefan Sichler <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/04/1999 17:25:08

On Tue, 2 Feb 1999, (Space Case) wrote:
> Try this: do a `hostname`.  Make sure that what it returns is either
> DNS resolvable or in your /etc/hosts.  If it returns nothing, you need
> to set your hostname first.

I can't put my hostname into /etc/hosts, for my ip address is not fix. 
Because of the same reason, my hostname is unknown to the net, ie. I actually
don't have a specific hostname, it varies from session to session. 

How can I fix/work around that?


| Stefan Sichler          / / Amiga1200/060 OS3.1 NetBSD1.3 |
| Student der          \/\/ |
| Technischen Informatik             Tel. +49-(0)621-473696 |