Subject: Re: ssh passphrase question.
To: Todd Vierling <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/27/1998 08:54:07
On 27-Dec-98 Todd Vierling spoke unto us all:
# Aty first login, run "ssh-add", which will prompt you for your passphrase,
# and ssh-agent will take care of all your authentication until you log out.
# See the ssh-agent(8) page for more info; note that running ssh-agent in the
# background instead of as a parent of your shell is *not* recommended.
Does this work with xdm at all? Ie: could I run ssh-agent inside the xdm
startup, and then ssh-add myself when I log in?
Tim Rightnour -
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