Subject: still need ppp help.
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/04/1998 00:20:03
I am still having alott of trouble getting pppd to connect. I can dial out but
someting happens right away and it drops the connection. I m sure i have ppp
compiled in.I just need some major help with all the scripts. I need to use PAP
authentication. Ive tried the pppd manpage, but to no avail, I think Ive tried
just about all i can. Im sure theres something im missing, but as of yet have
not found out what it is.It'd be nice if someone who knows sh scripting could
port the linux pppsetup to netBSD :) , Someone might have allready, but i cant
find it . HELP!
Date: 04-Dec-98
Time: 00:18:39
Unity Computer Systems inc.