Subject: Re: turning on IP forwarding
To: Claude Marinier <>
From: Chris G. Demetriou <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/03/1998 09:48:09 (Marinier, M. Claude, G.) writes:
> I usually do config, make depend, and make. I may have missed a step.
> Should I delete the directory in compile before re-building?
for any options that show up in the kernel makefile's C compilation
flags, you need to 'make clean.'
in 1.3.x (and before) that included GATEWAY.
in -current. GATEWAY's been 'defopt'ed, so if you config, make depend,
and make, the right thing will happen.
Chris Demetriou - -
Disclaimer: Not speaking for NetBSD, just expressing my own opinion.