Subject: Re: X & keyboard lockup
To: <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/02/1998 22:02:24
Hey! Well, it turns out that its a problem with vt0 ! Whatever.. I just
recompiled the kernel and rebooted ... starting X was fantastic. :) no more BS
about the key board, cant wait till they get vt0 to work good , i love Virtual
Consoles... thanx for all the help everyone, you ve been too kind :)
Now if someone could help me with those damn chat scripts..
On 03-Dec-98 wrote:
> hi-
> have a look at:
> in 1.18 i think this problem is solved
> but don't use 1.19 , cause my keyboard hangs with this version
> starting X (setting auto repeat)
> good luck
Date: 02-Dec-98
Time: 21:59:03
'Linux, the choice of a GNU generation'