Subject: Re: I'm net in NetBSD kernel
To: Farshidoo <>
From: Dr. Bill Studenmund <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/01/1998 13:29:21
On Sun, 29 Nov 1998, Farshidoo wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to start develpment in NetBSD, first of all I
> should get familiar with its kernel design. I wanna ask
> experts in this field: What should I do first?
What are you wanting to develop? That'd dictate what you need to study
first. :-) There's a lot to learn, so it's better to start with what you
will use soon.
> I have about 6 years experience user mode programming
> in UNIX (SunOS, Solaris, SCO and Linux) and also about
> 2 years on Linux kernel. But I want to start NetBSD too.
> I looked at "Recommended reading" in Documentation
> link of The only thing that I should
> read completely is 4.4BSD book by McKusick et. al.
It's a good reference, though a lot of things have changed since then.
Autoconfig's different, and we have a different vm system.
There are some papers around about how parts of the kernel work but most
of the documentation is the kernel souce itself.
We could probably answer more precise questions more easily. :-)
Take care,