Subject: Recommendations for a new large (?) Intel server using V1.3.2
To: '' <>
From: Scott Burns <Scott.Burns@Netcontech.Com>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/29/1998 00:22:38
We are in the processing of upgrading our tired old 486/66 V1.1 server to a
new Pentium server. Being out of the PC hardware configuration world for a
few years I would like any comments on the config. The goal is reliability,
smoking the performance of our NT servers, and no bleeding edge pain ;-)
Using V1.3.2 as shipped on the NetBSD CD-ROM purchased from the
Web page
Serves about 20 PC's using Samba (Windows software developers)
Must use a Compaq server (I know)
My Initial Design:
DeskPro 2000 (266MHz), DeskPro 4000 (300 MHz), Professional Workstation
6000 (300 MHz)
or a ProSignia 200 (300 MHz)
(Any preferences ?? Does the 266 vrs. 300 matter much ?)
96 MB RAM (is this enough ?)
2 x Adaptec 2940UW or Adaptec 2940 U2W Controllers
3 to 4 x Seagate Barracua 9LP drives (9 Gig Ultra-2 SCSI) in individual
external boxes
1 x HP SureStore DAT24
1 x HP SureStore DAT24x6 Autoloader (Probably using Amanda 2.4.x.y for
CD Rom:
1 to 5 x Some SCSI CD-Rom drives
NIC Card - Under 3COM PCI Based cards I see: 590, 595, 900, 905 (Not 905b)
cards work
I only see 905B on 3COM's WEB pages. What is still orderable from 3COM for
PCI based cards for 10 or 10/100 Twisted Pair what work well with NetBSD ?
Looks like some of the Compaq NIC's are supported, any one tried the
embedded models that come in the above listed Compaqs ?
CD-Rom Drives
What model should I purchase if I purchase a tower disk case and plug them
into the Adaptec ? Basically the guys want to keep 5 or so CD's on-line at
all times.
Will the internal drives on the IDE bus work OK ?
SCSI Cards
Adaptec's: says 2940UW is supported, what about the U2W ? Is there any gain
? The UW
has been out for a while, should I risk the newer U2W ? Any problem using
dual controllers in the same machine ? Where do you buy your SCSI cables
from ?
Scott Burns
NETCON Technologies Inc.