Subject: Re: 3Com PCI 905B-TX supported?
To: Jim GrimJim W Lai <>
From: Sean Clarke <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/17/1998 00:52:36
I have the 3Com PCI 905B-TX card on my linux box, I also have it in
one of my NetBSD machines, and it works great in both. The only really thing
you get in linux is when it shuts down kerneld it displays like 6 lines of
address crap. NetBSD you don't get anything out of the ordinary. But to
get it working in NetBSD I had to download a kernel module. I don't
actually recall where I got it from, but I am sure you can find it if you
take a look.
On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, Jim GrimJim W Lai wrote:
> I heard Linux had some problems initially with this network card and was
> hoping that NetBSD had managed to avoid it. Is this so?
> GrimJim