Subject: Modem trouble
To: None <>
From: Evgeny Roubinchtein <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/12/1998 23:36:36
I installed NetBSD 1.3.2, and tried to get connected -- first with PPP,
then with tip and cu, so far without success. My modem is an internal USR
Sportster 33.6 on COM3, IRQ5. pppd will call chat, it will dial and
authenticate, then I will hear the modem click. Looking at the log file,
pppd says: Modem hangup.
When I try to use tip, it will just say "link down", after waiting for a
short while.
cu is no better; cu -d produces the following interaction:
otter# cu -d -l /dev/tty02 -s 57600
cu: fconn_open: Opening port /dev/tty02 (speed 57600)
cu: fconn_set: Changing setting to 0, 0, 2
cu: fconn_write: Writing 1 "a" # <--- I tried to type at
cu: write: Input/output error
cu: Exit status 0
cu: fconn_close: Closing connection
otter# exit
(lowering speed gives same result).
Any help is appreciated. (Where do the fconn_ functions come from anywas,
I tried grepping the tip directory of the source code tree, with no luck
-- just curious)?
Thank you
Evgeny Roubinchtein,
IBM: International Bit Mangler