Subject: Installing NetBSD1.32 without install script
To: None <,>
From: B. Bogart <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/11/1998 22:56:12
I have been attampting to install netbsd1.32 on my system without any success,
have not gotten any answers from
First off the problem is that the install script that netbsd1.32 runs right
after the first kernel boot crashes as soon as i try to extract the sets.
After this crash the keyboard input is printed on the screen but nothing is
processed. (even ^C does not break the script) the sets cannot be broken, as i
have tryed all of them and they all crash the script, and the kernel works
fine so its very unlikely they ate damanged. I have tried reformating the
netbsd partitions in case they had something wrong in them but still no
I have worked on this for ages with no success, could the peron(s) who wrote
the install script please let me know what could possibly crash it right at
the point where the sets are supposedly extracted (no HD activity at that time
If I am never able to run the install script could someone please give me the
direct instructions to install netbsd manually (without using the script) I
have tried looking through the install script, most of wich is out of my
league but i don't see anything that would cause it to crash at that point in
the script. I have tried to extract the sets manually (and it does not crash,
using the same command in the install script: cat [set file] | (cd /mnt; tar
--unlink -zxvpf -) but i had not mounted /usr so it complained about writing
those files.
Now there must be someone who can help me! I know there must be a way around
this install script crash...
Ben Bogart