Subject: tough filesystem stains
To: None <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/07/1998 05:04:16
I have a stack of Zip100's that I use for short-term backup. The earliest
of them mysteriously acquired a dirty filesystem, and the oddest behavior
- every time I mounted it, I got messages asking me to fsck it.
- when I fsck'd it, nothing was wrong, it asked if I wanted to mark it clean.
- I typed 'y' to mark it clean, it said the filesystem was modifed.
- I then umounted and remounted the filesystem.
- it still said it was unclean and asked me to fsck it!
I went through a few rounds of this, scratched my head a little, checked the
other Zips. It was just this one disk. Weird.
So I tried fsck'ing it while it was not yet mounted, and that fixed it.
Does this call for a PR against fsck? During these experiments, I ran only
four commands: mount /z, ls /z, fsck /z, umount /z. I don't understand why
fsck would not either Just Work or warn me that it might not Just Work.
Todd Whitesel
toddpw @