Subject: Re: fetchmail and telnet will not talk to localhost port 25
To: Andrew Brown <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/29/1998 18:22:50
Andrew Brown writes:
> >I have successfully installed fetchmail and have sendmail configured as a
> >daemon with '-bm -q30m' flags and the smtp mail host at my internet
> >connction as the 'smart' relay, which works fine for sending mail.
> the '-bm' that you have is the problem.
I'm sure he meant -bd. If he didn't...
> that tells sendmail to
> "deliver mail in the usual way", ie, collect one piece of mail from
> stdin and deliver it. the fact that you have '-q30m' probably means
> that your sendmail is still hanging around after it's tried to deliver
> the one message (that you never give it), so you'll probably have to
> kill it before you restart it with '-bd' (start the sendmail smtp
> server socket).
> --
> |-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----|
> * "ah! i see you have the internet
> (Andrew Brown) that goes *ping*!"
> * "information is power -- share the wealth."