Subject: RE: Of diskless i386 workstations, update and swap files on the local drive (bug?)
To: 'netbsd-help' <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John A. Maier - MIS dept. <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/14/1998 13:25:31
Just a follow up for those who are interested.
I killed update, because I thought it was the culprate.
Well X boots much futher and stays up much longer before xinit, XF86_SVGA, syslog core.
Interesting.. Well I just repartition it for a local swap partition.
From: Urban Boquist[]
Sent: Monday, July 13, 1998 11:56 AM
To: John A. Maier
Subject: Re: Of diskless i386 workstations, update and swap files on the local drive (bug?)
Even if it had worked I don't think swapping to an msdos file system
is a very good idea because the msdos filesystem is horribly slow.
-- Urban