Subject: Re: Zip Drive Support
To: David Forbes <>
From: Simon Rowe <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/09/1998 12:53:50
David Forbes wrote:
> > Sorry if this is old hat to people ! I cannot find any other references
> > to getting a parallel port zip drives to work with NetBSD.
> I'm afraid I can't really help with the query, but I'm ultimately looking
> to get the same thing done myself, sooner or later (albeit not on an i386
> box). The only thing I've found on it is that has (IIRC) a
> projects page, one of which is an initiative to restructure lpt0 to allow
> this... I don't know what the state-of-play is, but I think idea is to
> attempt to lay this out carefully, so that we don't have the same problem
> of not being able to print whilst the ZIP drive is connected that some
> Linux machines have.
> HTH,
> David.
Hello David,
Thanks for the information. I have had a look at the web page you refer
too ( The project is
mentioned at the bottom of the page in the "Projects which should
happen" section. Unless I have missed something, it doesn't look like
anyone is working on this at the moment.
What machine are you wanting access to a zip drive from ?
Simon Rowe