Subject: Directory permissions under NetBSD 1.3/i386
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Kennedy <robert@Theory.Stanford.EDU>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/20/1998 12:02:16
I just got finished installing NetBSD 1.3/i386 from scratch, and I
noticed that a number of directories such as /tmp, /var/tmp,
/var/tmp/vi.recover, /var/spool/mail, and others are set up with
permissions that seem to be wrong. In particular, those directories
have no writes permitted by "group" and "other". To get "mail" and
"vi" working properly, I have had to change the permissions on these
Why is this? Did I install things incorrectly? If the permissions are
supposed to be the way they were, how are "mail", "vi", and other
programs that use temp space, lock files, and the like supposed to
-- Robert Kennedy