Subject: 1.3 and X problems
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Maxwell <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/26/1998 00:24:06
I've installed 1.3 on a P-120, 64 MB Ram, 1.2G IDE drive, sb16, S3 Trio64V+
VGA card, NE2000 ethernet...

With an install of XFree86 binaries (supposedly for NetBSD-1.3, from, the system will lock solid after a random period of
use in X. I've configured the console on com1, and the machine is non
responsive on the serial console, and same for the network. The machine
does not drop into DDB on the console.

Outside of X, I've taken the machine to a 120 loadav for 15 mins, no crash
I've changed the RAM, CPU, MB, and VGA. Swapping the hard drive would 
sort of miss the mark - the OS is installed and running fine otherwise ;-)
I suppose the ne2000 is a possibility, I'll swap it tomorrow. Unfortunately,
I can't induce it at will, timing is random it seems. I'd appreciate any
thoughts on how to encourage DDB to appear, or anything else I may not
have considered. Thanks.

							David Maxwell