Subject: RE: Can't log su root
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Harald Bjoroy <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/17/1998 08:42:01
David Brownlee [] wrote
> 	Does your su binary have the right permissions?
> 	Check: 
> 		David/absolute

The problem was hidden somewhere in the persmissions. 

When doing the manual copy operation, I didn't check permissions or
ownerships, so everything was rw on user, r on group and other. This
lead to this and other problems (who and ps also had problems).

With the assistance of Gunnar Helliesen I extracted the base.tgz and
etc.tgz, and we manually set some root-directory permissions (comparing
with the permissions on the working boot); now things are up & running.

Thank you for assistance,

Harald Bjoroy.

> On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, Harald Bjoroy wrote:
> > [snip]
> > The issue is; I can't su root from any user.
> > [snip]
> > I copied most of the system (step-by-step to get to know NetBSD) to
> > new boot-disk. The only important thing I changed was the fstab
file. I 
> > copied MAKEDEV and ran MAKEDEV all to create the devices; rebooted
> > after a couple of tries everything seemed to work.
> > 
> > But; as the subject says - I can't su root. I added another user (as

> > described above) to check if I had to remake a password-database;
but no 
> > luck; I still can't su root!
> > [snip]