Subject: Re: ncurses getyx() quickie
To: NetBSD netbsd-help mailing list <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Julian Coleman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/16/1998 08:25:57
Marc Tooley wrote:
> It was my fault--I read the ncurses man page which instructs me to include
> <curses.h> -- which apparently is for the OLD curses package. I had to
> -I/usr/pkg/include and include <ncurses.h> , which cleared things up
> perfectly. :) Everything works well now, thanks for the responses. Dang
> man pages..! :)

Hmm, I think the ncurses manual pages are assuming that it is the only
curses on the system.  Thus, they assume the the main include is installed
in /usr/include and its name is curses.h.

A patch to the package man pages would remove this confusion.  Worth a PR?


PS. What's happening with ncurses being shipped by default?  Is it worth
me extending our curses?

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