Subject: NetBSD-1.3 (i386) install bug ?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Sean Witham <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/12/1998 09:37:48
I came across a problem while installing NetBSD-1.3, i386 port. When I
used the install script to install over NFS it failed to configure the
network card. When I exited from the script and checked the current
values all seemed o.k. but I cound't mount the nfs paritition until I
re-issued an ifconfig de0 command even though I used
the same values as where shown with the ifconfig -a. Anyway I
continued the installation by hand but maybe someone would like to see
if they can reprocude this or point out what I did wrong.
