Subject: disk types...
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG, netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian Stark <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/06/1998 10:36:59

Sorry if this seems like a basic question, but I don't understand what 
the "ST506" disk type is for. I am in the process of re-installing NetBSD 
on my system and my previous disk labels said the type was "ST506". My 
system has a 3.1 and a 2.0 GB EIDE-type drive installed. Is "ST506" 
something I want to use with these devices? 

I was looking at the source code for disklabel on a 1.2.1/i386 system and 
saw some other types of disk types that I could select, but most of them 
didn't have descriptions explaining their use/purpose. I saw that ESDI was
an option, but I believe "ESDI" stands for Enhanced Small Device 
Interface and is only found in some of IBM's PS/2 systems (that's not 
what I have -- my system is a Dell Pentium system with a PCI bus).

If anyone could give me some more information on what the various disk 
types are for, I would appreciate it!



| Brian Stark                       | Internet : |
| Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. |          :      |
| Power Transmission & Distribution |                                   |
| 7225 Northland Drive              | Voice    : +1 612 536-4697        |
| Brooklyn Park, MN 55428   USA     | Fax      : +1 612 536-4919        |