Subject: None
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dave Hirst <Dave_Hirst@BayNetworks.COM>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/03/1997 08:13:27
Please forgive my ignorance, I have a HP unit that I think I have
identified. The unit is a HP controller 362. Is this a 
9000/362 or some other beast. It is 68030 based with 8Meg of ram SVGA
screen 1 x HPIB 1 x parallel 1 x serial. It has 
one internal scsi drive and one scsi floppy. If it is a 9000/362 is there a
port of the NetBSD that is supported.
I have no ethernet port on this unit.

Thanks in advance

David Hirst