Subject: RE: FreeBSD has Ads!
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/29/1997 11:51:47
Just a thought, and no offence at all to the author of those excellent images
that we allready have, but why don't we talk to the guys at GIMP? They have
monthly contests for the best picture/logo/whatever. We could ask them to hold
a contest for us, and have a whole slew of pictures, logos, banners and whatnot
to choose from. I myself am fairly good with the gimp.. but my current 256
color display makes using it pretty much impossible.. ;)
anyhow.. check out and
some of the logos they got for thier own GTK logo contest were quite good..
Tim Rightnour -