Subject: Re: PDP-11/84?
To: Christoph Badura <>
From: Rick Copeland <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/25/1997 07:11:28
At 01:56 PM 11/25/97 +0100, Christoph Badura wrote:
>Jason Thorpe <> writes:
>>On Mon, 24 Nov 1997 12:21:47 -0800 
>> Nathan Gelbard <gelbard@ENGR.ORST.EDU> wrote:
>> > I'm thinking about buying a PDP-11/84. There wouldn't happen
>> > to be a undocumented NetBSD port, would there? Its a 16bit machine, 
>> > only 256k mem, I think.
>>Oh, cool!  You could run an old 2.x BSD release, or V7 on that puppy :-)
>Actually, you could run a current 2.11BSD release on it.  2.11BSD is being
>actively maintained.
>Christoph Badura

I have a 11/84 as well, could you pass along where the list or group is that
is maintaining the 2.11BSD version so I could get a copy?


Rick Copeland