Subject: Re: Motherboard Intel ATX
To: Chuck Robey <>
From: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/21/1997 19:24:52
Chuck Robey writes:
> On 21 Sep 1997, Wolfgang Rupprecht wrote:
> > 	1) The PS/2 kbd/mouse connectors are RX only.
> > 	   One can not TX to the kbd or mouse to set the modes.  If
> > 	   you have a mouse that comes up in a bad mode, you are out
> > 	   of luck.  (eg. my mouse systems mouse is unusable, logitech
> >            works fine.)
> You can't diddle the DTR line to the mouse?  I have a Mouse Systems
> compatible mouse, and if you don't blink the DTR line, it won't activate
> the middle button.  Like the XFree86 ClearDTR flag (pointer section of the
> XF86Config file).

I did play with the XFree86 XF86Config flags to no avail.

One problem was that the default button debounce timing was way too
fast.  I'd often get double-clicks when I only hit the button once.
The other problem was that the mouse didn't default to the claimed
resolution.  I could bump the mouse acceleration in X to compensate a
bit, but it would be nicer to get the mouse resolution one paid for.


Wolfgang Rupprecht    <>