Subject: NetBSD/pmax booting single-user
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Doug Junkins <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/16/1997 10:09:21

I've just installed NetBSD 1.2/pmax on a DecStation 5000/25 and seem to 
have everything working except that it refuses to boot directly into 
multi-user mode.  If I exit the single-user shell it continues to boot 
into multi-user mode without errors.  Am I missing something obvious?

The boot messages are as follows:

KN02-CA V2.0m    (PC: 0x800312a4, SP: 0xffffef40)
Boot: 3/rz3/netbsd
Size: 1009136+0+90900
Starting at 0x80030000

Using PROM serial output until serial drivers initialized
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
        The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

NetBSD 1.2 (BASSWOOD) #0: Mon Sep 15 16:49:44 PDT 1997
real mem = 41943040
avail mem = 35184640
using 1024 buffers containing 4194304 bytes of memory
mainbus0 (root)
cpu0 at mainbus0: MIPS R3000 CPU Rev. 3.0 with MIPS R3010 FPC Rev. 4.0
tc0 at mainbus0: 12.5 MHz clock
asic0 at tc0 slot 3 offset 0x0
le0 at asic0 offset 0xc0000 priority 4: address 08:00:2b:30:16:5d
le0: 32 receive buffers, 8 transmit buffers
scc0 at asic0 offset 0x100000 priority 5 (In sccattach: cn_dev = 0x1100) 
(Unit = 0): consoleclock0 at asic0 offset 0x200000 priority 0
isdn at asic0 offset 0x240000 priority 7 not configured
dtop0 at asic0 offset 0x280000 priority 6
fdc at asic0 offset 0x2c0000 priority 2 not configured
asc0 at asic0 offset 0x300000 priority 3: target 7
xcfb0 at tc0 slot 2 offset 0x0 (1024x768x8) (console)autconfiguration 
done, spl back to 0x0
Beginning old-style SCSI device autoconfiguration
rz3 at asc0 drive 3 slave 0 DEC RZ25     (C) DEC rev 0A00, 832527 512 
byte blocks
rconsattach: 1 raster consoles
init: copying out flags `-s' 3
init: copying out path `/sbin/init' 11
Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for sh: 

I'm not sure where the `-s' flage in the third from last line is coming 
from -- I've got the boot variable in the monitor set to "3/rz3/netbsd". 

Any ideas?  Let me know if there's more information that would be useful.


| Doug Junkins             | Email:               |
| Seattle, Washington, USA |   Web:  |