Subject: Re: bind/internet programming
To: Nathan Gelbard <gelbard@ENGR.ORST.EDU>
From: Jim Reid <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/28/1997 12:31:11
>>>>> "Nathan" == Nathan Gelbard <gelbard@ENGR.ORST.EDU> writes:

    Nathan> 	Where can I find documentation on how to do 'internet'
    Nathan> programming? I've found all the man pages on stuff like
    Nathan> sockets, gethostby{name, addr}, res_query, etc, but am
    Nathan> lacking info to put it all together into usable
    Nathan> information.

Well try "UNIX Network Programming" by Richard Stevens, though you
might want to wait for the second edition which is due out in a few

    Nathan> 	I've been using the code to nslookup as examples of
    Nathan> how to use libresolv, but I'd like to have a book or doc
    Nathan> on more of how it all works and how to take apart DNS
    Nathan> packets.

The clearest explanation of DNS packets can be found in the relevant
RFCs. [Start with RFC1035.] They're also explained in Volume 1 of
"TCP/IP Illustrated" by Richard Stevens. The second edition of "DNS &
Bind" by Lui and Albitz has a chapter on the C programming interface
to the BIND resolver library.

I'm rather surprised that you didn't know that these books existed or
that you didn't know where to look for them. They are the reference
books on these subjects that any Internet/DNS/programmer should read.
And re-read. In their respective subject areas, these books are as
definitive and as fundamental as Kernighan & Ritchie's text is to the
C programming language.