Subject: Oh, my, memory again...
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Todd <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/06/1997 17:01:27
So, I have this Pentium Pro machine with 256 Megs o' RAM.

I raised EXTMEM to 261120 in the config file, and raised NKPDE in
pmap.h to 64! (I tried 48 first, based on my success at home with 24
for 128Megs).

However, even though it reports seeing all the memory (Does it really,
or is it just reporting what I put in the config file?), it panics,
complaining about a vmfault during a _bcopy.

Anyone have any clue? Has anyone set up a PPro with 256 Megs successfully?

Hacksaw = David Charles Todd
BBN = Hacksaw's Employer
Hacksaw's Opinions != BBN's Opinions
It's hard to (rec'' (e) ni'ze bee''ch)