Subject: Re: Invitation to speak at BEACH LISA in San Diego on May 20th, 7pm
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG,>
From: Max Bell <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/14/1997 21:00:22
From: Scott C Kennedy 619-658-4152 <>

>My name is Scott C. Kennedy and I am on the board of director's 
>for BEACH L.I.S.A - the San Diego System Administrators Group.
>[ . . . ]
>Each speaker will be asked to give a 10 min presentation on their
>implementation, they are free to say anything they like during their 
>presentation, but I'd suggest staying within the realms of good taste.
>(ie. no competitor bashing)
>[ . . . ]
>	War of the Intel Unixes
>	Experts from the partisian camps of BSD, Linux and Solaris, 
>	all on Intel, will square off in a panel discussion of who 
>	has the better Unix. Perhaps the only thing they'll agree 
>	on is that any of them are better than Microsoft Windows. 
>[ . . . ]
>Included is the timeline. I hope that you can arrange for someone to attend.

I fail to see how you will combine "no competitor bashing" with "war" and
"who has the better".
