Subject: Re: can't bootup after install NetBSD-1.2.1
To: Oliver Yeh <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/10/1997 09:26:59
On Thu, 10 Apr 1997 12:05:00 -0400 (EDT) 
 Oliver Yeh <> wrote:

 > 	I recently installed NetBSD-1.2.1 on my NEC P166 Power Mate, I
 > received error of init: already running when ask for the path name for
 > my shell. This happened after I installed the OS completly and try to
 > boot from my hard disk the first time.

Sounds like you didn't pass the --unlink argument to tar?  I've heard of
this happening before - basically, you have an init program as another
name now, and it check the pid against 1 and notices that it's different,
and complains at you...

Jason R. Thorpe                             
NASA Ames Research Center                               Home: 408.866.1912
NAS: M/S 258-6                                          Work: 415.604.0935
Moffett Field, CA 94035                                Pager: 415.428.6939