Subject: resolved: Linux vs NetBSD su
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Nathan Gelbard <gelbard@ENGR.ORST.EDU>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/11/1997 23:11:48
Well, it looks as if I've created a monster here! I just wanted to thank
everyone for their help; my gelbardn user can now su root with no problem :)

On a side note, I've really enjoyed (hp300) NetBSD 1.2 so far! I also run
Linux Slackware 3.1, which I've stood by for a long time. But I've recently
realized something:

        Yes, Slackware is great because its a install and go situation. (Almost)
everything you'd ever want is already compiled, installed, and configured.
Heck! Its easy to use!

        NetBSD, on the otherhand, comes is a very bare distribution. Only the
minimal utils, enough to get a working system. I've learned a lot by having
to install everything else I need (X, openwin, etc) because I have to do
it all myself! I like it! I know exactly what is in my system, how its
configured, and how I could do it again. Beautyful.

        Thanx All!