Subject: getting shells compiled on NetBSD1.2 port Amiga
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael 'IOC' Hellmund <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/27/1997 15:38:24
hi Guys.

Amiga Configuration:
A1200 Apollo A1230 68030/68882 2x4MB PSI-II Fast-Ram 2 MB Chip ;)
HardDisk: Seagate ST32140A 2.1GIG AT-Bus on intern AT-Bus-Controller
installed and running NetBSD1.2 from

after extracting and readind the docs of Bash-1.14.1 & ZSh 2.1
and trying to compile the shells the Makefile script stops
at several points.
I had Bash that far to start to built bash.o 
then it stoped with undefiened _aliases ...
and so on
I tried to undef them but it didnt worked.
even I would need a working machines.h entry for NetBSD Amiga port.
anyone out there who has an valid entry ?

Zsh stoped with builtin.c declares bin_read to be integer 

is there someone with an AGA-Amiga who has tried to compile
another shell and succeded ?

ok guys I dont know a lot about GNU/CPP/C++ blah. software handling
but I do know about other languages so I can figure out most errors
myself but I can't go on anymore, 

I *need* help.

btw. I could compile pico and pilot with no probs.
ie. there was a neb option to compile it right.

but this option is missing at Bash and Zsh.
ok I could enter the right config in machines.h at bash.
but I have no plan what I need to type in there.

I hope someone of you can help me =)

|  Postal Adress:                         _ /~\                           |
|                        .oooO  Oooo.   /~/| | | /~~\ (I)nside            |
|  Michael Hellmund      (    )(    )  / / | | || |~~ (O)f                |
|  Mainzerstrasse 12      \  (  )  /  / /  | | || |__ (C)haos             |
|  D-64331 Weiterstadt     \__)(__/  / /   | | | \__/                     |
|     Germany                        ~~     \_/                           |
|                                    Life it learn it be in it            |
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|  Tel.:+49 6150 40639                                                    |
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|  Homepage                  |
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|  EyeOhSee@IRC                                                           |
|  EyeOhSea@IRC                                                           |
|  AKA:                                   |
|  Using Commodore Amiga 1200 2.1GB HD 68030/68882/50Mhz                  |
|  10MB ram AmigaOS3.1                                                    |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         | 
|        Who is able to read is unobjectionable in advantage!!            |
|           -Never forget to to read the important stuff  ..  ;-)         |