Subject: your suggestions on how to do RAID with NetBSD
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Stefan Brandle <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/21/1997 12:54:06
Several people have replied and I'm grateful for the ideas. For anybody
who's interested, it seems that the general idea is not to try getting
a SCSI card that does RAID -- I guess that's too messy because of a lack
of drivers, required O/S support, etc. -- but to get an external RAID box
that plugs into your external SCSI bus and looks just like a big hard drive
as far as NetBSD is concerned.
That way no special SCSI controller drivers or other O/S support are needed.
Makes sense. It's a classic case of wiggling out of a problem by challenging
assumptions in the thinking; in this case, the unstated assumption is that the
solution I want is a SCSI controller card that does RAID. What I really want
is a way of connecting a RAID device to the system.
Stefan Brandle | (630) 752-5019 | | Wheaton College IL