Subject: SYN flooding fax for BSDI -- has it been applied to NetBSD?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jonathan Marsden <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/30/1996 10:41:46
I see BSDI displaying a patch that adds TCP SYN cache, thereby
allowing life to continue fairly normally during a SYN flood attack.
Has anyone tried applying this patch to NetBSD 1.2?  It seems as
though it ought to be relatively easy to do, for a kernel hacker anyway!

IF ti has been done for NetBSD, is there a way to get it without using
the -current source tree?

Jonathan Marsden   | Internet:  | Making electronic 
1849 N. Wabash Ave.| Phone: +1 (909) 794 1151   | communications work 
Redlands, CA 92374 | FAX:   +1 (909) 794 3016   | reliably for Christian 
USA                | | missions worldwide