Subject: Re: Thanx
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Guenther Grau <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/25/1996 22:28:26
> Is there a way to login as root with telnet (oder rlogin)?

Yes, there is, but you shouldn't do it :-) As the login password
goes unencrypted (i.e. plain readable) over the network, anybody
can get the root password by just monitoring the network traffic.
Just telnet/login as a normal user and do an su once you are logged
in. Don't ftp as root.

If you really want to change it, have a look at /etc/ttys.
and add the keyword secure to the tty you want to allow root logins.
man ttys has more on that.

If you really want to allow ftp for root, remove root from /etc/ftpusers.
This file contains, contrary to its name, the users who are NOT allowed
to do ftp. root is in there by default.
