Subject: Re: Rock Ridge Extentions?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG,>
From: Wolfgang Solfrank <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/16/1996 20:44:16
> I've got a CD that uses the Rock Ridge extentions, but I can't seem to get
> it to work properly. All I see is the normal 8.3 ISO9600 file names. The
> ymtrans.tbl files are in every directory. Does NetBSD 1.2 fully support
> Rock Ridge? From the source and man pages, it looks like it does (except
> for a few minor features). Is there any way I can query the CD to see if
> the CD is infact in Rock Ridge format (or view any of the other fields).
Yes, NetBSD does support Rock Ridge extensions. The ymtrans.tbl file has
nothing to do with Rock Ridge extensions. Those are coded in special fields
in the directory entries.
However the specification of Rock Ridge extensions is undergoing a major
rework currently as it is being approved by IEEE. Some of the newer features
aren't supported (yet).
As a first hint on whether the CD might have RR extensions or not, dump the
root directory of the CD (od -x /cdrom) and look at the very first byte.
If it's 0x22 than you've lost, if it's (quite a bit) larger, you might be
> I'm using Manuel Bouyer's ATAPI Drivers (IDE CDROM), but it look like that
> shouldn't cause the problem (no reference to Rock Ridge in either the Atapi
> or Scsi CD rom dirvers them selves, just in mount_cd9660).
The driver doesn't have anything to do with RR extensions. It's only relevant
to the filesystem.
> Has anyone successfully used the Rock Ridge extentions with the Atapi
> drivers? If so, I can probably assume that the CD isn't properly formatted
> for Rock Ridge.
No, not with "the" atapi drivers, but that's irrelevant anyway. I'd guess
that yes, "the CD isn't properly formatted for Rock Ridge".
> Oh - one thing - I don't know if this matters or not, but NetBSD displays
> all the filenames in lowercase, but the filenames in the ymtrans.tbl files
> are in capitals. Is this a problem? If so, how do I work around it - since
> I can't write to the CD ?
NetBSD by default translates filenames on the CD into lowercase and cuts off
the version number at the end, if it doesn't find RR extensions (or is told
to ignore those). You can see the real 9660 filenames if you use the '-g'
flag to mount_cd9660, see man mount_cd9660.
And no, this again doesn't have anything to do with RR.
ws@TooLs.DE (Wolfgang Solfrank, TooLs GmbH) +49-228-985800