Subject: Re: NCR SCSI
To: Hacksaw <>
From: Brett Lymn <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/25/1996 17:50:47
According to Hacksaw:
>NCR PCI SCSI cards: is there a name I can find these under? There
>apparently isn't one generally for sale specifically by NCR. 

I know a name to avoid:  SC200

I had one of these suckers and it just would not work in my Pentium
motherboard - not even in DOS.  I swapped the board with a friend for
the same thing from a different manufacturer and it worked fine first
time in both DOS and NetBSD-1.2Beta.  Don't ask the "brand" of the one
I am using - the company that made it is so proud of it they don't put
anything on either the card or the leaflet (I hesitate to call it
documentation) that came with it.

Brett Lymn, Computer Systems Administrator, AWA Defence Industries
  "Upgrading your memory gives you MORE RAM!" - ad in MacWAREHOUSE catalogue.