Subject: Re: News Server - Increasing disk performance?
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christoph Badura <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/17/1996 01:28:00
John D. Smerdon writes:
>Config: NetBSD 1.2_BETA from a couple weeks ago, Pentium 90, 32MB memory,
>single 2940, two 4GB disks with root on sd0a, swap on sd0b and sd1b, /usr
>ccd'ed over both disks, and /news ccd'ed over both disks.
If I were you, i'd get a 1GB disk and put everything but news on it
(/, /usr, swap). I'd also put /news on it's own disk(s) or stripe it
with ccd over the two 4G disks. If that's still not fast enough, I'd
put /news/etc on it's own disk.
I'm not sure about the performance of the 2940 driver. Perhaps you
wan't to put the news disks on a BusLogic adapter. That solved a
rather similar sounding problem for the INN FAQ maintainer earlier
this year.
But, first, I'd get more RAM.
># pstat -s
>Device 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Type
>/dev/sd0b 133760 30072 103688 22% Interleaved
>/dev/sd1b 133760 31216 102544 23% Interleaved
Depending on whether you experience the so called "swap leak" bug or
not, I'd say you are lacking between 40 and 60 MB RAM.
># vmstat -w 5 sd0 sd1 ccd0 ccd1
> procs memory page disks faults cpu
> r b w avm fre flt re pi po fr sr s0 s1 c0 c1 in sy cs us sy id
> 0 1 0 70608 1664 3 0 0 0 0 0 40 42 11 64 0 102 77 3 5 92
> 0 2 0 80000 1664 3 0 0 0 0 0 36 36 6 58 0 170 89 4 7 89
> 1 0 0 89948 1300 15 3 0 0 0 0 39 41 11 59 0 140 128 4 5 92
> 0 2 0 99340 1300 13 3 0 0 0 0 38 41 10 57 0 151 110 4 6 90
> 0 0 0 94472 1664 4 0 0 0 0 0 35 32 15 45 0 116 103 4 4 92
> 0 0 0 94472 1664 3 0 0 0 0 0 35 40 13 54 0 109 77 4 5 90
Seems like you need aboute 60MB more RAM. Also, it seems like your
disks are maxed out. Both are doing between 35 and 40 I/Os per
second which is quite high and your SCSI controller is handling
about 80 I/Os per second which is high too.
Christoph Badura
You don't need to quote my .signature. Everyone has seen it by now.
Besides, it doesn't add anything to the current thread.