Subject: Adding new driver support to NetBSD 1.1
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: (SPM) <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/22/1996 15:08:05
Hi all-

This probably belongs in port-i386 but I haven't gotten registration conf=
irmation from them yet so:

I see that the 3Com 580 fast ethernet cards are now supported... how do =
I incorporate this into the install of a new system from the 1.1 archives=

I have all the 1.1 files on my ftp server, but can't get them as the ethe=
rnet card isn't recognized....  

Any fast help is appreciated! (actually, any help is appreciated.)


Tank (SPM)                          Sean P. McNamara
Tank@PG.NET                   The Planet Group, Inc.
                                                Network Operations Center
Voice: (312) 772-8333
   Fax: (312) 772-9214