Subject: mountd/nfs trouble -- solved
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Matthew B. Wood <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/24/1996 18:09:53
Here's the trouble I was having:
First of all, using a Linux box as an NFS server. :)
+ Linux exports (5) has a syntax that is "similar to the SunOS
exports file" but isn't. :) It's simplified, possibly for the worse,
depending on what you want to do.
+ The Linux default setup of /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow play a
role, even though this is not mentioned in the man pages for nfsd, mountd
or portmap.
+ Linux seems to be very picky about its port usage vis a vis NFS:
Jun 24 12:28:14 vex nfsd[95]: NFS request from [client IP address]
originated on insecure port, psychoanalysis suggested
...very cute. nfsd must be started with a flag to allow connections
from what it does not consider standard nfs port usage. Does NetBSD not
follow some spec or RFC properly?
RE: the trouble I originally posted: yes it does seem to by a semantic
problem in /etc/exports. Thanks to all who responded!
Matthew B. Wood
"Psychoplasmics: The Ultimate Therapeutic Device"