Subject: BSDI Netscape problems...
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Hollow (3Y0) <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/24/1996 17:51:18
I'm running NetBSD-1.1 (i386) and have been trying to get the BSDi version of
Netscape v3.04b to run (as somebody on this list said that it would run quite
happily on i386 NetBSD).
I have recompiled the kernel and enabled 386BSD/BSDi emulation, but when i try
to execute Netscape i get a "Bad system call" error.
Any ideas?
_ _ ___ ph-a @ C= /// There's no such thing
I I_I I _ \ hollow @ A1200 /// as gravity...
I _ I _/ Dept. of Computer Science \\\/// ...the Earth just sucks.
I_I I_I_I University of York, UK \XX/