Subject: Re: NetBSD DOSEMU -- questions from a prospective NetBSD user
To: john goerzen <>
From: Charles M. Hannum <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/22/1996 17:48:48
john goerzen <> writes:
> - Does the DOSEMU program work over non-console terminals?
It's worth noting that DOSEMU has not been fixed to run under 1.2. It
only runs under 1.1. There in another DOS emulator called `doscmd'
(derived from the BSDI version) which runs under 1.2.
> - Will NetBSD read my FreeBSD filesystems? (FreeBSD uses ufs, I believe)
The on-disk format is the same (modulo some unimportant differences in
how the `clean bit' is implemented).
> - How good is NetBSD's Linux emulation? (Even though I don't run it
> personally, a good test is how well it runs Linux doom or Netscape)
It runs pretty much all the Linux programs I've tried, except for a
few system utilities that you shouldn't need.
> - Does it have sound capabilities for the Pro Audio Studio/Spectrum
> sound card?
Yes. I can't say how well the driver works, though, since I've never
used it.
> - How about PPP? How good is it?
It works. It supports compression, demand dialing, etc. All the
normal features.
> - Security and networking are also things I need to know about.
I won't discuss security issues on a public mailing list.
> - Support? How do I get it and how good is it. I have been very impressed
> with FreeBSD -- have even spoken to the project president a few times.
> They are very helpful.
Just like FreeBSD, we do not provide commercial support, although
other people can do so if they wish. There are numerous mailing lists
where people will answer questions, though.
> - Installation methods. Can I install it from a PPP connection or
> - Binary-level compatibility. Will it run FreeBSD binaries without
> recompilation? I know FreeBSD has a NetBSD emulator; does NetBSD
> have a FreeBSD emulator?
Note that FreeBSD does not emulate NetBSD, per se; it simply runs
NetBSD executables as if they were native executables. This causes a
few compatibility problems.
> - Where can I get a NetBSD CD-ROM?
There are a few companies that sell them; one is InfoMagic.